Drug Task Forces are a special subset of law enforcement: heavy on investigative tracking, Confidential Informant management, and evidence… tons of evidence!

PolicePro has managed drug and narcotics investigative agencies from New York to California. County, Regional or State, PolicePro has been getting it done with the Task Force guys since the early 2000s.

Task Force Edition

PolicePro narcotics agencies have had as many as 24,000 items of evidence under management. That kind of volume (and responsibility) has resulted in a lot of custom work surrounding batch entry and batch check in/check out at the Lab to reduce the time it takes to manage all this stuff.

Add expenditure tracking, warrant tracking and a number of other task force specific duties and PolicePro has made tremendous operational changes in some of our agencies.

Again, we know this world. We’ve worked in and with it for a long time, and it shows.